Heddon Holistic Therapy Centre
5 Taberna Close   Heddon on the Wall
(01661) 853699
Caring for body, mind and spirit

Heddon Holistic Therapy Centre
5 Taberna Close   Heddon on the Wall
(01661) 853699
Caring for body, mind and spirit




There will be certain guidelines that I will be implementing, so I can keep all of us as safe as possible during these uncertain times.


  • Face masks if you would feel safer wearing a face covering or would like either Katie or myself to wear one please just let us know. 
  • If you are feeling unwell or are exhibiting any of the symptoms, please call the therapist and rearrange your treatment.
  • All surfaces throughout the practice will be disinfected at the end of every treatment.
  • Towels and face covers will all be changed at the end of each treatment as per usual.  
  • The main priority will be that you feel comfortable and safe having a treatment .  If there is anything I can do to ensure that, please just let me know.